
Cleaning & Prevention

A focus on preventive dentistry helps you maintain the highest standard of oral health while limiting dental expenditures. A partnership between you and our team pays dividends, protecting your smile now and well into the future

    Family Services

    Our team loves helping kids grow into healthy adults. At either end of the age spectrum, the bases are covered. Dr. Pak knows that early experiences influence the value kid's place on their oral health as adults. And they choose to seek or avoid future care by how they're treated now. Rest assured, the bar sits high here.

      Cosmetic Dentistry

      Smiles matter, probably more than we realize. Volumes of research confirm the influential role of smiles on our relationships and our self-esteem. If you're confident, you smile more. If you smile more, you feel more confident. But what if you don't want to flash your smile because you're embarrassed by bad teeth

        Tooth Replacement

        Not many years ago, losing a tooth left you with few options for replacement. While permanent teeth should provide a lifetime of function, it doesn't always end up that way. They may be lost from an accident, deep cavities, or gum disease. And since teeth start as a full set, even one missing tooth may disrupt the complex function of chewing, the first step in digestion. As teeth slowly lean and migrate into extra spaces, wear and cracking from excessive forces often create escalating problems.

          Extractions & Preservation

          While we focus on helping you maintain your teeth for a lifetime, sometimes certain teeth need to be removed. Wisdom teeth, extra teeth, or very crowded teeth present situations that may mean treatment involving removal. In some cases, severely decayed or cracked teeth, or those missing large amounts of supporting bone leave extraction as the only viable option.

            Oral Appliances

            One of our goals is to provide the most conservative treatment possible in every situation. Oral appliances offer simple, non-invasive care for a variety of conditions. Regardless of the application, every appliance we prescribe is custom-crafted for you with excellent fit and function.


              For most patients, straight teeth mean a terrific smile. But did you know that properly aligned teeth are healthier? Overlapped, crooked, or rotated teeth create a daily cleaning challenge. Food and bacterial plaque accumulate slowly in the tiny spaces that your toothbrush and floss can't reach. The acidic toxins that seep out of the bacterial sludge can lead to cavities and inflamed, diseased gums.


                Many people feel anxious before and during dental procedures. It's okay to feel nervous or even fearful when anticipating an appointment. We understand that our patients aren't all the same, and we have great news: you have options! You can experience dental treatment in a comfortable, customized approach with several different methods of sedation.


                  At Stonelake Family Dentistry in Frisco, TX, you'll discover dental care at the highest level possible: Technology, advanced training, and compassionate service blended perfectly together. Dr. Pak carefully selects technologies proven to deliver the finest experience to their patients. This means comfortable procedures and predictable results. A winning formula, you'll find that contemporary dental care with Stonelake Family Dentistry leaves you smiling.