Little Footsteps Child Care Center

Infant Child Care

Our program is designed to develop and reinforce each infant’s individuality. Each child will participate in sensory-based learning experiences all while receiving positive, nurturing guidance. Infants are constantly learning through observation therefore, we provide fun activities that will help the children build upon their cognitive, communication, emotional, fine motor, gross motor and social skills.

    Toddler Child Care

    Activities in the toddler classroom include singing songs, finger plays, improving their vocabulary through identification and repetition, learn to wash their hands and feed themselves, enjoy age-appropriate play and practice sharing with other students. Our teachers encourage each child to work at their own speed so they feel successful in the skills they are developing.

      Pre-School Child Care

      Preschoolers love the word “school” and can’t wait to “be big” We focus on programs that engage, excite and encourage a preschoolers imagination. At this stage of development the curriculum focuses on social, physical, intellectual, and emotional development. We work on language arts and literacy, mathematics, science, social and emotional development, gross and fine motor development and character education.

        Summer Programs for Child Care

        Summer Child Care Program (3 years to 13 years) A 10 week program that focuses on experiencing the natural environment. Activities are based on field trips that explore the natural areas of Southern Maine.